About me

Hello! My name is Adib Hasan. I am currently pursuing an MEng at MIT in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, where I have the privilege of being advised by Dr. Mardaviz Roozbehani and Prof. Munzer Dahleh. My research is about making large transformer models smaller, safer, and finding new applications for them. Although to be honest, my research makes me less hopeful about mankind’s future.

Before my MEng, I earned a bachelor’s from MIT, double-majoring in Math and Computer Science. Post-graduation, I researched investment strategies for multi-million dollar crypto portfolios. You can check my LinkedIn profile for details regarding my past professional experiences.

Beyond work, I lead an unremarkable life: I cook food to delay the looming death from starvation, I enjoy the company of dead philosophers, and I stroke my fragile ego by lifting extremely heavy objects.